When I was at school, my Dad once said to me - 'these are the best days of your life, enjoy them'. Actually, I only slightly agree with him. School days were great, but the best days of my life started the moment I became a parent. A whole new responsibility that hit me so hard and I was expected to know how to deal with it. But deal with it I did, because of that primal instinct to love, nurture and care for the little life that we created. I want to fill each day with wonder and I yearn for my children to question everything, try new things and for that shining star of a personality to burst out and show its true colours.
Each day I help fill with new challenges to embrace - and that will never change, but it's time to let go a little...just a little and let her start exploring by herself. This is just a new challenge; the next step, the next chapter.
So, go out in to the world, little Emilia! Enjoy it, learn, play, make new friends and above all have fun - and, if you're anything like I was, be a bit rebellious too!