Why Just A Cake-Smash?!

Why not something different?! It is a first Birthday after all - so why let loose with some favourite food? 

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This little man LOVES his spaghetti! Can't you tell? What fun he had! If you would like a Birthday photo-shoot with a difference, why not drop me an email? info@vanillamoonphotography.com

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Of course, we always begin with some portraits before things get messy!

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🐢 Man's Best Friend

I loved this shoot! Mum, Dad and two gorgeous boys with their four-legged friend. A lot of photographers say 'never work with children and animals...'   'Why not?' I say! Not all good pictures are staged, they are a moment in time. Who cares if a dog won't sit still for a shot. We don't sit still through our lives, so why should a picture? It's about capturing precious moment that lasts a lifetime.

   Here is a selection of my favourite images from this great shoot - we had such good fun. The best part was when all three of the boys raced each other along the track - brilliant!

For client view, click.

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πŸ‚ "Season of Mists and Mellow Fruitfulness, Close Bosom-Friend of the Maturing Sun..." 🍁

As much as I love Summer, I can't deny that Autumn comes a close second favourite time of year for capturing those timeless images. The colour changes of the leaves make the perfect backdrop for any photo shoot. And what better location than in the Scottish Borders? So why not give away a FREE portrait shoot? Oh yes! Head on over to the Vanilla Moon Photography Facebook Page and follow the instructions on the post. Good luck!

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πŸŽ„ Christmas Mini Portraits and Community Fundraising 🎁

It somehow doesn't feel right talking about Christmas so early in the year, but if one thing about being a parent has taught me, time flies in the blink of an eye! The Festive Season might still be another three months away, but we all know the John Lewis advert will be dropping onto a TV screen near you before you know it. That's why I recently had a meeting with the new head of the Rosetta ELCC Nursery in Peebles to discuss my annual Mini Portrait Sessions. I'm delighted to say, that for the third year in a row I will be hosting the Mini Portrait Sessions at the nursery! Perfectly located for anyone in the Peebles area, its a great opportunity get some great family and children's portraits in time for Christmas. Like previous years I will donating 50% of the sitting fee to the nursery as fundraising which has raised over Β£1000 for the nursery over the last three years. This year's dates are 4th and 5th of November and are already filling quick - get in touch if you want to book a slot.

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Don't worry if these dates don't suit, as this year I'm really pleased to say that I will also be working with the Eddleston Out of School Club and Tweedbank Early Learners. There will be five dates for the mini sessions this year, spread out across the three venues;

You can book your slot by emailing info@vanillamoonphotography.com 

☺️ Smile and the Whole World Smiles With You! 🎢

I was so excited to see Tom back at the studio on Saturday - his little smile is infectious! Unfortunately for me he had a touch of the holiday blues and wasn't much up for smiling though! Nothing that a few (very loud) renditions of his favourite nursery rhyme couldn't put right! I can still hear myself, his mum and his Aunty belting it out at the top of our lungs! What a hilarious shoot - and, more importantly, what a brilliant smile Tom has to match those of his cousins! A truly happy little family group!

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🌎Welcome to the world baby Innes! πŸŽ‰

It was only three weeks ago that Claire visited the studio for her maternity shoot, along with her little boy who was keen to make sure Mum and his brother/sister were in good hands. 

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Just 14 days later, a gorgeous little baby brother arrived into the world and he returned to the studio for their new born photo shoot. 

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What a gorgeous little button and a great wee shoot! 

365 Days of Summer!

Who doesn't love a good birthday celebration - especially when it is someone's very FIRST birthday!

Take a look at how cute this shoot was! Little Summer was a treasure to photograph, enjoying every prop and present that she got her hands on! Mum had done the most amazing job with all the finishing touches for some perfect outfits - including the best tu-tu I think I have ever seen!

If you would like to capture your wee one's first birthday - or any other special occasion - please get in touch! info@vanillamoonphotography,com

For client view, click.

The Sixtieth Birthday Surprise πŸŽ‚ πŸŽ‰

It's not everyday that you turn sixty or have such unexpected guests to your party. The recent Birthday celebrations I covered were particularly special, as the surprise-surprise siblings had traveled from all over the UK - and one in particular had flown all the way from Australia to be with her sister for her big day. The look of surprise on Jan's face was definitely worth the 10,500 mile trip. Happy Birthday Jan!

If you have a celebration or big event coming up and would like to capture the moment forever, get in touch - info@vanillamoonphotography.com

School Dayz 🚸

I'm sure it was only just yesterday that I held her in my arms for the first time?! Looking down into those questioning baby blue eyes, I knew that from that day on I would always be there for my beautiful little angel. It sounds like a clichΓ© - but under these circumstances, it's allowed.  Where have the last four and 3/4 years gone?  Full of learning, exploring, craziness, happiness, tears, joy, not to mention mess...and now, she's about to hit one of the biggest milestone of all. She's starting Primary School.  

For me it is the realisation that she is actually growing up that I am finding hard to grasp. Little Miss Independent - perhaps a little too independent sometimes - but she is still my baby.  She is stepping out into the world for the first time and I wont be there with her.  She will be, for a few hours a day, someone else's responsibility - someone else will be there to answer her never-ending questions, show her right from wrong and help set her on a path that will pave the way to a bright future.  All these things that fill my day and make this whole crazy parenting experience so worth while.  

I can remember my first day at school.  I remember being so excited and meeting my first best friend, Kristy Parkes (we're still mates over thirty years later!) We went off to play in the sand together, leaving our mums all teary eyed at the door. I expect much the same will happen in two weeks time.

When I was at school, my Dad once said to me - 'these are the best days of your life, enjoy them'. Actually, I only slightly agree with him.  School days were great, but the best days of my life started the moment I became a parent.  A whole new responsibility that hit me so hard and I was expected to know how to deal with it.  But deal with it I did, because of that primal instinct to love, nurture and care for the little life that we created.  I want to fill each day with wonder and I yearn for my children to question everything, try new things and for that shining star of a personality to burst out and show its true colours.

Each day I help fill with new challenges to embrace - and that will never change, but it's time to let go a little...just a little and let her start exploring by herself.  This is just a new challenge; the next step, the next chapter. 

So, go out in to the world, little Emilia! Enjoy it, learn, play, make new friends and above all have fun - and, if you're anything like I was, be a bit rebellious too!

If your little ones are starting school this August and you want to capture those first precious moments as they head off into the big world of education, get in touch to take advantage of my special discounted portrait session at just Β£35. Sessions start during first week of school.    Email info@vanillamoonphotography.com or purchase directly through the online shop

A new Paige in Angela's book of life 🎁

It's always great getting things for free but it's an even better feeling to be the one who gives. Lucky Angela was the most recent Facebook model call winner and got the opportunity to have a free newborn shoot with her beautiful little baby girl, Paige.

What a gorgeous little bundle she was to photograph! Congratulations to mum and dad on their beautiful new arrival ❀

If you want to be in with the chance of a free shoot, like and follow the Vanilla Moon Photography Facebook page and you might just be the next top model.

Client view, click here

Summer Time in Bloom 🌼

Summer is by far my favorite time of year. The gorgeous array of flora and fauna, the dreamy sunny meadows and the beautiful rolling green hills that surround the photo studio are the perfect backdrop for a summer outdoor photo shoot. When lovely mum-to-be Iona got in touch and asked me to do a maternity shoot for her, my heart lifted! Knowing the endless shoot locations the Scottish Borders has to offer at this time of year, I couldn't wait to get snapping.

It is always good to get Dad and the big brother involved the shoot too. The pride on their faces is plain to see and was a delight to capture.

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I cant wait to meet their little arrival (very soon) as I'm lucky enough to be doing a newborn shoot for the family when they make their grand entrance into the world.

Client view, click here

Growing up - fast! From tummy to toddler πŸ‘Ά

One of the best things about being a photographer is seeing the small changes in such a short period of time - especially when it comes to children and how quickly they grow up! As parents, we sometime forget and may even take for granted that these little people don't stay little for very long.

Desiree first came to see me when she was 34 weeks pregnant after she booked me for a maternity shoot. 

A little over a month later, she returned with a beautiful bundle of joy, Georgia. Pretty in pink, she was a gorgeous little button and a dream to photograph.

A year passed by in a blink of an eye, and Georgia, along with her Mum and Dad and big brother, returned to the studio for her one year Birthday shoot.

If you want to capture those precious fleeting moments that can sometimes pass us by, get in touch - info@vanillamoonphotography.com

Client view, click here

"Welcome to the Hotel Gleneagles..."

What a fantastic family portrait shoot with the Wongs. They had arrived at Gleneagles Hotel for a week long trip to Scotland and found their perfect spot for a unique shoot in their idyllic grounds. I was honored to be asked to capture some holiday memories for them.  A great location and an energetic family made for a fun photo shoot. These are by far the furthest traveled clients I've had so far (over 9500km) .

For client view, click.

Batman and Batgirl Tie the Knot!

Where to begin with Michael and Nicola's beautiful wedding?  It was a dream day from start to finish and I loved covering every minute of it!  The couple chose a Batman theme - and the detail was amazing! Even the flowers were made from Batman comics!  Their chosen venue, Dynamic Earth in Edinburgh, was as fun and quirky as they were and suited them perfectly.

I have to say it is up there with the best weddings I have covered - Michael and Nicola, thank you so much for asking me to photograph your wedding, it was an absolute honour!

Check back soon for the gallery link!

Smile and Let the Good Times Roll!

To say I had fun on this shoot would be a massive understatement!! I laughed so much my face ached the next day!! What good fun it was with a really happy family - and such wonderful photos for them to cherish!

For client view, click.

Precious Times..

It was so lovely to see this wonderful family again last weekend.  This has been our third photoshoot now and it has been amazing to see the family grow - something very special that my job allows me to capture.

For client view, click.

Miles of Smiles!

What a great end to photographing the Beltane this year! For me this has been a fabulous event to capture.  I really hope you've all enjoyed viewing the images as much as I have taking them!

For the rest of my images from Saturday and to order prints, please click here.

You will be required to enter your email address which will be used to let you know the expiry on the gallery you have signed up to view.

All images are watermarked and are the Copyright of Vanilla Moon Photography.  Images should not be removed from the website or gallery without permission.

Email addresses are added to the Vanilla Moon Mailing List, unless otherwise requested.

Fancy Dress Parade...

Where do I even begin with last night's parade?! Maybe the size of the storyboard below is testament to how much I thoroughly enjoyed covering the event.  I smiled so much my face hurt! What a good laugh it was - such a great atmosphere and an event enjoyed by all.   Including a fancy dressed photographer.....!

To see all images and order prints, click here.

You will be required to enter your email address which will be used to let you know the expiry on the gallery you have signed up to view.

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All images are watermarked and are the Copyright of Vanilla Moon Photography.  Images should not be removed from the website or gallery without permission.

Email addresses are added to the Vanilla Moon Mailing List, unless otherwise requested.

The Cutest Ride Out...Ever!

Oh, my goodness!! How absolutely adorable was tonight's ride-out! It looked so much fun, too! The delight on the kiddies faces was...well, a picture!

To see the rest of the gallery where you can order prints, click here.

You will be required to enter your email address which will be used to let you know the expiry on the gallery you have signed up to view.

All images are watermarked and are the Copyright of Vanilla Moon Photography.  Images should not be removed from the website or gallery without permission.

Email addresses are added to the Vanilla Moon Mailing List, unless otherwise requested.

Riding of the Marches...

Well the weather held out for tonight's ride out - and we even got a break in the clouds as the riders crossed the Tweed!

As ever it was a great spectacle to photograph.  There are lots of images in the gallery, which can be ordered as prints or online/Facebook images - for the entire gallery Please click here!

You will be required to enter your email address which will be used to let you know the expiry on the gallery you have signed up to view.

All images are watermarked and are the Copyright of Vanilla Moon Photography.  Images should not be removed from the website or gallery without permission.

Email addresses are added to the Vanilla Moon Mailing List, unless otherwise requested.